Weirdbook No.17

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  1. WEIRDBOOK No.17 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board.
    Cover drawing on the fanzine, Weirdbook 17, published by Paul Ganley.

    This drawing of a vampire should remind us of how unique and imaginative the human brain really is. Scientists use rational thinking to examine everything with the purpose of learning the "facts" about the reality of all things that exist, from sub-atomic particles to the farthest reaches of outer space. Generation after generation, learning and documenting everything, most of what they learned has been put to practical use by engineers and inventors so that virtually everything about the way we live today comes from that collective scientific effort. Their work has been, and continues to be of primary importance to the well-being and advancement of the human race . . .

    But other humans, the artists, have been busy pursuing "The Humanities," like painting, sculpture, writing, music, acting, all the entertainments that are not really essential for life to survive. And yet, art is of intense importance to us, and has been since early man painted pictures on the walls of caves. And that began happening long before he invented the wheel, written language, and the scientific method. So what are artists all about? Do they have a purpose other than to entertain, to give us a break from the struggles of life? . . .

    Artists see things with their unique perspectives formed from personal experiences during their lifetimes. Each artist is unique because of what he learns and what he comes to believe. What lies within his conscience and his ability to create is a mystery. And actually, when you judge an artist's work you do so according to your own unique and mysterious conscience and perspective. But each new generation of artists shows the world what we have become, they reveal our new values, our change in morals, and the new conscience of our time. And that's important; to know who we are, and to think about who, we the people, want to be . . . That's what artists do for us . . .

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